
Growing Green Opportunities for Progress

ECO2RUPPERS AFRICA is the first Green Economy Education, E-nnovation, Entrepreneurship and Employment program that connects 250m young smart ecocitizens across the 50+ Countries to StepUp, Greenup and Voteup the future leaders of carbon-neutral economy in Africa.

The ECO2RUPPERS AFRICA program is designed to be deployed by the SIMPLEE AFRICA Initiative - the first SDG Marshall Advocates platform to create a greener, cleaner, gender responsive and socially inclusive society for Net-zero footprint through multi-industry, multi-stakeholder and multi-cultural civic action campaigns to create a climate of green profits for the African continent.

This program is specifically tailored to train, empower and deploy eco-conscious youths in the largest Green Citizen action campaign in Africa. The Africa Eco-Marshalls Project is structured to accelerate the SDG Decade of Action with women and youths at the frontline of climate-smart and resilient economies.


S-tepup Strategic youth-driven Advocacy to accelerate the SDG Decade of Action.

I-nspire Innovation for green impact investment to drive Carbon Neutrality.

M-obilize community based Eco-Marshalls to mitigate climate change in Africa.

P-romote low-carbon policy, product and development program-partnerships that profit the planet.

L-ocalize citizen-driven climate action campaigns and programs to ensure and enforce circular economy initiatives.

E-nable Eco-literacy and Eco-NNovation Initiatives.

E-spouse E-mobility, Energy-efficiency and ecosystem conservation programs.