Women & Youth Education, E-Innovation and Enterprise Development Program

Skills2Green Africa is the first climate-smart Education, Einnovation and Enterprise Development Program created by the ‘Free2Green’ Africa Accelerator Platform of the ECO2RUPPERS Africa Initiative.

Skills2Green Africa is structured to activate over 100m climate smart scholarship opportunities for next-gen youths and women in free enterprise across 50 countries in Africa to learn, lead and leverage Green and Blue Economy opportunities to create net-zero impact solutions for socially inclusive, smart and sustainable community-based engines of green growth in the Africa.

SkillMeGreen Africa


Empowered to Create Opportunities to Mentor Eco-Citizens for Economic Transformation.

SkillMeGreen Africa is a ‘Greenpreneurship’ incubator program that activates young creative eco-citizens through ‘mentor-innovator’ climate impact scholarship grants to empower the next generation of Eco-Leaders with climate tech, climate justice and green business toolkits to Upskill, Upscale and Uplift communities to embrace an energy-efficient future of cleaner and greener sustainable mobility for humanity.

GreenSkillUp Africa

Skool2Green Africa

0 +
Green Impact Hubs
0 m+
Eco-Citizen Scholarships
GreenFrika Innovators
0 weeks
GreenSkillPitch Africa
Smart Policy Impact Marketplace
0 m
GreenSkill Africa Grants
$ 0 b
Skool2Green Bank
$ / M5
SkillmeGreen Tokens